Huygens Deconvolution

The OBC has a full license for Huygens Deconvolution. 

Images acquired under Nyquist parameters can be deconvolved to improve resolution. 

Ask Adeela how best to acquire your images 

Deconvolution is a mathematical operation used in Image Restoration to recover an image that is degraded by a physical process which can be described by the opposite operation, a convolution. This is the case in image formation by optical systems as used in microscopy and astronomy, but also in seismic measurements.

Deconvolution is a mathematical operation used in Image Restoration to recover an image that is degraded by a physical process which can be described by the opposite operation, a convolution. This is the case in image formation by optical systems as used in microscopy and astronomy, but also in seismic measurements.

In microscopy this convolution process mathematically explains the formation of an image that is degraded by blurring and noise. The blurring is largely due to diffraction limited imaging by the instrument. The noise is usually photon noise, a term that refers to the inherent natural variation of the incident photon flux.

The degree of spreading (blurring) of a single pointlike (Sub Resolution) object is a measure for the quality of an optical system. The 3D blurry image of such a single point light source is usually called the Point Spread Function (PSF).

For more information go to the Huygens Deconvolution